What makes CO2 jets so popular among nightclubs around the world? Well I could start by telling you that global warming is causing the temperatures in clubs to go up every year, but you would say "yeah right." So instead of insulting your intelligence, because that would technically be right, we will just blame it on hundreds of hot, sweaty bodies dancing on the dance floor. It seems no matter how great your AC system is once you slam 200-300 dancing bodies in a confined space the temperature starts to go up really quickly. Most AC systems cannot keep up with a killer DJ, so nightclubs turn to an alternative source for cool blasts of air.
CO2 cryo jets are easy to install and cost a fraction of what expensive electric bills run each month. Lets say for the average nightclub that the electric bill runs around a couple thousand per month compared to a couple hundred to run the
CO2 cryo jets. Not to mention
CO2 cryo jets offer an immediate, on demand, blast of super cold fog capable of cooling a room approximately 10-20 degrees in a matter of seconds. With the right equipment and controls your lighting and sound guy can now keep your guests dancing comfortably all night long. Don't you feel you owe it to your guests to keep them comfortable.....and drinking? For more information on how CO2 cryo jets operate and pricing info visit
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