Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Is The A Difference Between The Term Cryo and CO2, C02 and co2?

Atlanta special fx
Since our beginning back in this industry over 10 years agoo Atlanta Special FX has been a world leader and trusted manufacturer of CO2 Cryo Jet, CO2 Cryo Gun, CO2 Cryo Cannon, CO2 Cryo Blaster, CO2 Confetti Cannons, CO2 UV Neon Paint Cannons and more.  Currently we are the fastest growing special effects company on the planet and each of our CO2 cryo products are made here in the USA with the highest quality rated components.  Over the years we have watched companies come and go attempting to sell foreign made CO2 jets labeled as their own.  This has caused quite a bit of confusion amongst new customers who don't yet understand the properties of CO2 special fx products, and the importance of having trusted manufactures here in the United States.  When searching CO2 Jet, you may have seen names that cause confusion.  In todays marketplace of special effects for DJ's, Nightclubs, and Sports Teams you may have seen terms used CO2 Jet Blaster, Cryo Jet, C02 Jet, and Handheld Cryo Gun.  So there is a difference between all the names used and here are a couple of tips to help ensure you are purchasing quality special effects equipment manufactured for using liquid siphon CO2 tanks. 

There are essentially two types of CO2 cryo products, portable and stage mounted.  The portable CO2 gun or Cryo Gun is the one you see an individual holding and spraying white CO2 fog in to the crowd.  These units do not require any power and are manually operated by squeezing a valve to release the liquid CO2.  The mounted CO2 Jets are products that you see mounted to the front of stages, on trusses, on the side of buildings, and more.  These units do require power and are generally fired with DMX, Relay, or Simple On/Off switch.  You can also you push button control boxes.  Please note all the products fall under special effects category and are used for special fx only.

Now lets take an in depth look at the different labels and how easily they can be confused.  Have you ever seen someone label their unit "C02" (using a zero instead of the letter "O") The chemical label for Carbon Dioxide is CO2.  You may have seen just the words "Cryo" without the label CO2.  This could mean any product capable of using a "Cryogenic" product and you may be on a Nitrogen system website.  It is also possible that you could be on a medical website as some physicians use "Cryo Guns" for freezing skin defects off.

So be sure you are searching CO2 for products that use the more affordable Liquid CO2. You will want to make sure you are getting a special effects model such as the one pictured here at http://www.atlspecialfx.com/collections/co2-cryo-fog-smoke  Hopefully this short blog about CO2 and CO2 Cryo products has helped you understand the importance of using a trusted and established company for your Cryo Special FX. 

To Order Your Made In The USA CO2 Cryo System Call 1-888-664-0097

We ship internationally with our super low FedEx rates.  Currently in 90 Countries. 

Distributor Opportunities Available www.ATLspecialFX.com

Offices now in 5 states and growing.  Denver, Dallas, St Louis, Nashville, and Biloxi

Atlanta Special FX is the fastest growing special effects company in the world

Monday, September 21, 2015

Atlanta Special FX Creates Breathtaking Fake Snow For US Olympic Ski Team Fundraiser

For Immediate Release:

St Louis Special FX Creates Fake Snow For U.S. Olympic Ski Team

St Louis Special FX Fake Snow
St Louis, Missouri - September 19, 2015 - Who says it never snows in September?  The US Olympic Ski Team fundraiser was held on Saturday just outside of St Louis Missouri where Atlanta Special FX and St Louis Special FX, atmospheric special effects companies known for creating TV/Movie fake snow scenes, astounded arriving donors.  Using a combination of fake snow ground cover and snowflake machines, the St Louis and Atlanta FX team turned a sunny 88 degree day in to what appeared to be a 32 degree winter wonderland.  Other festivities during the fund raiser included autograph sessions by Mikaela Shiffrin, and an appearance by the Flying Ace All Stars.  To kick off the Flying Ace All-stars the STL FX team lined the trampoline with Co2 cryo fog jets.  The co2 fog jets provided stunning visual effects as 20 foot towers of fog blasted in to the air to kick off the show.

St Louis Special FX, a new satellite office of Atlanta Special FX, now provides event special effects to the state of Missouri and surrounding areas while home office Atlanta Special FX provides products and services to over 90 countries.  They manufacture and distribute products for making snow, rain, fog, smoke, co2 cryo fog, low lying fog, confetti and even a custom cloud making machine.  If you are in to the party scene they also offer patent pending UV neon paint cannons, foam party machines, extreme bubble blasters, and more.  Owner Mike Kenslow stated "Locally we have already quoted jobs for Anheiser Busch, Microsoft, and we are creating relationships everyday.  The challenge in any new business is always awareness, but news of events like this travels fast."  To learn more about renting or purchasing your own event special effects visit their website at www.STLspecialFX.com or www.ATLspecialFX.com Check out this video of the falling snow.

Call their friendly staff at 888-664-0097